"Here I am back in my home country after six years. The world seems bland, grey and very slow. For every action I take, I keep calculating the consequences. We look at each other as war veterans and still call each other by playful names, we will not be understood by those who were not there." - That's how the review from Business Camp participant - Sherlock - begins.
The camp is virtually non-stop, sleeping more than 4-5 hours is an unacceptable luxury! The intensity of negotiations is off the scale, they go on continuously, on every square metre. And all the participants are experienced managers, owners, politicians, members of the Federation of Management Competitions.
Will you influence processes, make decisions, or will you take a place at the very end of the food chain?
A businessman? An oligarch?
Just a salaried labourer?
A politician? A grey cardinal?
Revolutionary? Criminal? Extremist?
Playing you or being played by you?
I went to the Camp with the purpose to live through the "House of Cards" ( anyone who knows this American TV series): to work through the stratagems of intercepting and holding power in politics, creating political alliances, making unpopular decisions.
First stage. The name in this game is Sherlock.
In the "green" state - career growth: Judge (the law itself, chosen in an open vote by an overwhelming majority of votes) - Chairman of the Government (invited to the post by the Speaker of the State Duma and the President) - Director of the state security service (appointed by the President).
This was probably the most difficult stage of the Camp for me, for I realised that, having become Prime Minister, I would have to resign as a judge, and the voters would not understand, would think that I had deceived them. But I also realised that in the situation of complete chaos in the first days of the Camp my managerial competences were needed more in the Government. I accepted the offer to head it. As I expected, I got a lot of negativity.